Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 > So do you use project/trunk or trunk/project? If the former, I would
 > need to get instructions on how to do the conversion from CVS.


On Friday 29 July 2005 02:12, Fernando Perez wrote:
 > For ipython, which recently went through cvs2svn, I found that moving over
 > to a project/trunk structure was a few minutes worth of work.  Since svn
 > has moving commands, it was just a matter of making the extra project/
 > directory and moving things one level down the hierarchy.  Even if cvs2svn
 > doesn't quite create things the way you want them in the long run, svn is
 > flexible enough that a few manual tweaks should be quite easy to perform.

Yes, this will work.  I vaguely recall that Jim converted the 
repository one project at a time, so that made it easier to keep them 
separate.  We didn't decommission the CVS entirely, though; Zope 2.7 is still 
maintained in CVS since we didn't want to risk worrying about the branch 
structure too much; cvs2svn still had a few issues with the complex branch 
structure combined with the use of symlinks within the repository (one of the 
reasons we were so keen to move to Subversion).

I'm sure Jim can provide more details of what he had to do; I was only 
slightly involved in the discussions.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>
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