On 07/08/2018 10:05 AM, Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev wrote:

I'll use this opportunity to remind you that 3.4 build is broken -- it can't be built from start to installer with the instructions given because of outside factors (CPython has migrated from Hg to Git). https://bugs.python.org/issue31623 about this was ignored (see https://bugs.python.org/issue31623#msg303708 for supplemental fixes).

If this isn't something considered needing a fix, the claim that 3.4 is supported in any shape and form is but a pretense -- if something can't be built, it can't be used.

By "3.4 build is broken", you mean that building the installer is broken on Windows.  Sadly the maintainer of that installer is no longer part of the Python community, and as a Linux-only dev I have no way of testing any proposed change.

More importantly, 3.4 is in security-fixes-only mode, which means that changes that aren't security fixes won't be accepted.  Fixing this would not be a security fix.  So even if the patch was clean and well-reviewed and worked perfectly I'm simply not going to merge it into 3.4.  The 3.4 tree is only going to be in security-fixes mode for another eight months anyway, after which I will retire as 3.4 release manager, and 3.4 will no longer be supported by the Python core development community at all.

As pointed out in that bpo issue: if the problem is entirely due to switching from "git" to "hg", then you should have very little difficulty working around that.  You can use a git-to-hg bridge, or create a local-only hg repo from the 3.4 tree.  That should permit you to build your own installers.  I'm a little sad that the 3.4 Windows installers no longer build directly out-of-tree without such a workaround, but sometimes that's just what happens with a Python release three major releases out of date languishing in security-fixes-only mode.

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