
The reference is the PEP 373 "Python 2.7 Release Schedule". See the
"Update" section:


2018-08-23 20:53 GMT+02:00 Collin Anderson <cmawebs...@gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I noticed the Python 2.7 EOL
> date was recently set to Jan 1st, 2020.
> My understanding was Python releases get 5 years of support from their
> initial release, and Python 2.7 was extended an additional 5 years.
> Python 2.7 was originally released on 2010-07-03, and with an original EOL
> of 2015-07-03. Extended 5 years, shouldn't the EOL be 2020-07-03?
> Also, this statement is a little unclear to me:
>> Specifically, 2.7 will receive bugfix support until January 1, 2020. All
>> 2.7 development work will cease in 2020.
> This statement makes it sound like bugfixes end on Jan 1st, but seems to
> leave open the possibility that security fixes could continue through the
> year.
> Thanks!
> Collin
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