On 28Mar2019 0703, Victor Stinner wrote:
In fact, there is already a PyConfig._init_config flag (currently
named _PyCoreConfig._init_main) which only initializes Python up to
the "core initialization" if set to 0. This parameter is private since
it's unclear to me what should be the exact scope of "core" vs "main"

We tried to set up a video call between the interested people (Eric, Nick, myself, yourself, couple of others) to clarify this point, and you refused to join ;)

That said, the call never happened (honestly, there's not a lot of point in doing it without you being part of it), so we still don't have a clear idea of where the line should be drawn. But there are enough of us with fuzzy but valid ideas in our heads that we really need that brainstorming session to mix them together and find something feasible. Maybe we're best to put it off until PyCon at this point.

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