On 5/21/19 12:06 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
On 21/05/2019 11.49, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 2:40 AM Walter Dörwald <wal...@livinglogic.de> wrote:

On 20 May 2019, at 22:15, Christian Heimes wrote:


here is the first version of my PEP 594 to deprecate and eventually
remove modules from the standard library. The PEP started last year
with talk during the Python Language Summit 2018,



The `colorsys <https://docs.python.org/3/library/colorsys.html>`_
defines color conversion functions between RGB, YIQ, HSL, and HSV
systems. The Pillow library provides much faster conversation between
color systems.

Module type
   pure Python
Deprecated in
To be removed in
   `Pillow <https://pypi.org/project/Pillow/>`_,
   `colorspacious <https://pypi.org/project/colorspacious/>`_

I'm using colorsys constantly as the basis for a tool that converts CSS
colors between different coordinate systems. I don't see how that could
be done via Pillow (which AFAICT only converts complete images).
RGB<->HSV<->HLS conversion seems to be not available (or not obvious) in

Correct, colorspacious doesn't support HSV or HLS. I suppose it would
be trivial enough to add...

The 'colour' package has them (along with everything else you can
dream of): https://colour.readthedocs.io/en/latest/colour.models.html

Nice catch, I just added https://python-colormath.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ to 
my update PR. I'll add colour to the list, too.

(It didn't pop up on my radar because I wasn't checking for British spelling)


Please, don't remove colorsys. HSL and HSV aren't outdated, and AFAIK, the module is not a maintenance burden.

The packages on PyPI offer more advanced models. Perhaps they could be linked in the documentation, if we want to endorse them. But just as we're not removing `array` in favor of `numpy`, we shouldn't remove colorsys either. Colorsys is not dead, it's just small.

I assume one of the reasons colorspacious doesn't support HSV or HLS is that HSV/HLS tends to be used for quite different purposes than the more fancy color spaces. You'd use HSL/HSV for a simple color picker or a saturation shift on a web page, GUI or game (where you don't have *exact* colors anyway); things like sRGB or CIELab are for color management, photos, printing, etc.

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