Hello good people of Python Dev!

My name is Karl and I have been a Python user since 2010, professionally since 
2015. I belong to the "novice, non-technical" group of users, having got my 
start with programming in the 1990s using HyperTalk, possibly the easiest 
language of all, with the most English-like syntax. My move to Python in 2010 
resulted from my move to Linux at that time. The "easy syntax, almost like 
pseudo code"  assessment that is often repeated about Python was a big factor 
in choosing the language for the tools I wanted to build then. I've come a long 
way since those early days, but I will not forget how I got started.

However... To this day, I am bothered by the convention of certain names using 
4 underscores - "__class__", "__init__", "__add__", etc. I find them foreboding 
and difficult to type. They are also difficult to debug because in many editors 
there is no space between two underscores, and it may not be immediately 
obvious whether there is one underscore or two, or even three. I am lucky 
enough to have no disabilities, but I imagine there are segments of the 
"novice, non-technical" user group who would struggle to a greater degree than 
me. Given the focus of the Steering Council on improving inclusiveness and 
access in the Python community, I am hopeful that my message will be heard and 
my suggestion for improvement considered.

I understand how this naming convention came about, no problems there. I do 
think it is a case of too much linear thinking though, progressing from the 
convention of one underscore to two, then to four. I believe by the time we get 
to four, it is time to say "Stop, is there not a better way?"

Looking at the non-alphanumeric symbols in ASCII and considering their existing 
use in Python and other languages, the dollar sign "$" presents itself as the 
best option: "main.$class", "$init", "$add", etc. Of course, the old convention 
would remain for backward compatibility, but new code would be easier to type 
and debug with this new symbol.

Perhaps this solution or something like it has already been considered and 
rejected. In that case, no big deal, this post shall vanish into oblivion with 
no harm done. On the other hand, if my idea is new and has potential, then I am 
hoping that a core dev will step up, say something encouraging, and I will 
write up a PEP.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to your replies.

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