Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 05:30:19PM -0000, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > When I saw this I thought, "it should be like
> > set(d1.values()) == 
> > set(d2.values())", but has been pointed out there's no guarantee that 
> > all values will be hashable.
> > The hashability requirement for sets is, in a sense, an implementation 
> detail. It might be a requirement for sets in Python the language, 
> but its not a requirement for abstract "sets of values".
> E.g. Java includes a standard TreeSet which doesn't require hashability
> In this case, they need to be multisets, since
> {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}.values() != {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 2}.values()
> > After that I have no expectation since order isn't
> > guaranteed.
> > I think this is one of those cases where it's superficially surprising 
> > when you don't think about all the ramifications, but once you 
> > understand the complexity of the problem then it becomes more clear 
> > that it isn't straight-forward.
> > Nobody said it was straight-forward, particularly if we want guaranteed 
> efficient comparisons in both time and space at the same time.
> Brett, I feel that you are dismissing this thread as "not thinking 
> through the ramifications" without reading it through, because I'm 
> pretty sure that we have thought through the ramifications in a lot more 
> detail than your dismissal justifies.

Sorry, I didn't explicitly state the perspective to read that statement from. 
I'm not saying the people participating here don't understand the ramifications 
which have been brought up (which I have read top-to-bottom). My point is 
people who are **not** reading this thread may be surprised if they try this 
(i.e. users out in the wild which was the perspective I meant to convey), but 
**if** they are brought to understand the complexity required to make their 
assumption work then I would hope they would understand why things work the way 
they do.

> Let's start with the minimal change we have suggested: that two views 
> should be considered equal if they both belong to the same dict.
> assert d.values() == d.values()
> Currently that assertion fails. Should it? Putting aside the convenience 
> of "do nothing, just inherit the object.__eq__ behaviour" do you think 
> that the current behaviour is correct?

Yes I do if we aren't going to make this work regardless of actual dict objects 
because if you don't make this work for `d1.values() == d2.values()` then I 
think that would make `d.values() == d.values()` more surprising as to why it 
works in one case where the values were all the same but not in another.

> (By correct I mean in the technical sense that if we were writing a 
> functional spec for views, we would actively desire two views of the 
> same dict to be unequal.)
> > To me a doc update for dict.values() stating that the
> > iterator can't 
> > be compared and a brief mention as to why would be the best solution 
> > for this.
> > We're not talking about comparing iterators. We're talking about 
> comparing views into a dict. That's a difference that makes all the 
> difference.

You're correct that I misspoke, but I personally still think a doc change is 
the best solution.
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