> Here is the original description of my problem, from the original email in
> this thread.  I considered this an adequate explanation of my problem
> at the time.

>> I do have a use case for this. In one project I maintain a "ready" list of
>> jobs; I need to iterate over it, but I also want fast lookup because I
>> soemtimes remove jobs when they're subsequently marked "not ready".

Which is a description not of "the problem", but of the operations you
want to perform.  It's the first time in my life I've heard of a
"ready list of jobs" where the programmer sometimes decides later "oh,
no - this one and that one aren't ready after all" ;-)

Not that it matters much - you want the operations you want.  The lack
of "oh - of course - that's a problem we all face at times"
motivation, though, works against it being _compelling_ on its own.

> ...
> In subsequent emails I've clarified that my workloads are small enough--and
> computers are fast enough--that almost any data structure would work fine
> for me here, e.g. a list.
>  I don't think my needs should drive the decision making process regardless.
>  I only described my problem to get the conversation rolling.

Which it did :-)  Others went on to, explicitly or implicitly, suggest
that an ordered set must also, e.g., support the entire
MutableSequence interface, and even define what happens if you mutate
the ordered set _while_ iterating over it (lists define the results in
such cases, but ordered dicts raise an exception).

> I opine that anybody who iterates over set objects and has bugs in their
> code would appreciate set objects maintaining insertion order.  I suspect
> it would make their debugging easier, because given identical inputs their
> set iteration would behave identically, thus making their bugs that much
> more stable.  That's as much use case as I have for the feature.

That's much stronger to me than some weird FIFO-only queue supporting
fast deletion of interior elements (which - sorry - I've never had a
use for).

And fine by me if such a thing is added.  All else being equal, I'd
prefer that the builtin set type be ordered, simply because it's less
surprising. and dicts are ordered now (although, as Inada Naoki said,
their current implementation isn't suitable for a FIFO queue, doe
primarily to O(N) time needed to find "the first" key+value record).

I believe we agree that adding _some_ flavor of OrderedSet to
`collections` would be a fine start.  I'm just not cool with replacing
the builtin set before there's an implementation fast and
memory-efficient enough that _current_ heavy set users won't feel
betrayed by major slowdowns or memory bloat when the switch is made.

Toward that end, my opinion - which I won't defend - is that
OrderedSet should not promise better than O(N)-time indexing (if it
supports indexing at all), and should - like current sets and dicts -
try to raise an exception if it can detect that the container has been
mutated during iteration.
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