> It would create an exception of two rules:

I don't think these are "rules", I think they're just "the way things are".

If I'm subclassing `dict`, and I see in the docs something to the effect of:

> By default, `dict` subclasses will return `dict` objects for `|` operations. 
> To force the creation of a new instance of the subclass, users can override 
> the `copy` method. In that case, the return value from this method will be 
> used instead.

Then my life suddenly becomes a lot better, because chances are I've already 
thought to override `copy`. And if I want the "legacy" behavior, it's as simple 
as not bothering with "copy" (or, if I need to, overriding the `__or__` 
trio)... but I'm sure this is the less common case.

If we're quoting the Zen, then let's not elevate past design patterns to 
"rules". Besides, practicality beats purity. ;)
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