El jue., 2 abr. 2020 a las 11:19, Guido van Rossum (<gu...@python.org>)

> Since last fall's core sprint in London, Pablo Galindo Salgado, Lysandros
> Nikolaou and myself have been working on a new parser for CPython. We are
> now far enough along that we present a PEP we've written:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0617/
> Hopefully the PEP speaks for itself. We are hoping for a speedy resolution
> so we can land the code we've written before 3.9 beta 1.
> The current CPython parser usually just produces "SyntaxError: invalid
syntax" for any error, while other languages that I work with usually say
something more precise like 'expected x, got y'. What will the error
messages in the PEG parser look like? Making syntax errors more informative
can be a nice improvement to usability.

> If people insist I can post a copy of the entire PEP here on the list, but
> since a lot of it is just background information on the old LL(1) and the
> new PEG parsing algorithms, I figure I'd spare everyone the need of reading
> through that. Below is a copy of the most relevant section from the PEP.
> I'd also like to point out the section on performance (which you can find
> through the above link) -- basically performance is on a par with that of
> the old parser.
> ==============
> Migration plan
> ==============
> This section describes the migration plan when porting to the new
> PEG-based parser
> if this PEP is accepted. The migration will be executed in a series of
> steps that allow
> initially to fallback to the previous parser if needed:
> 1.  Before Python 3.9 beta 1, include the new PEG-based parser machinery
> in CPython
>     with a command-line flag and environment variable that allows
> switching between
>     the new and the old parsers together with explicit APIs that allow
> invoking the
>     new and the old parsers independently. At this step, all Python APIs
> like ``ast.parse``
>     and ``compile`` will use the parser set by the flags or the
> environment variable and
>     the default parser will be the current parser.
> 2.  After Python 3.9 Beta 1 the default parser will be the new parser.
> 3.  Between Python 3.9 and Python 3.10, the old parser and related code
> (like the
>     "parser" module) will be kept until a new Python release happens
> (Python 3.10). In
>     the meanwhile and until the old parser is removed, **no new Python
> Grammar
>     addition will be added that requires the peg parser**. This means that
> the grammar
>     will be kept LL(1) until the old parser is removed.
> 4.  In Python 3.10, remove the old parser, the command-line flag, the
> environment
>     variable and the "parser" module and related code.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
> *Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
> <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-change-the-world/>
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