
thank you for your feedback!
I could think of a trick that inspect.getsource() might use if the class
contains at least one method: it could look at a method and try its
`__code__.co_filename` attribute (maybe only if the `__file__` attribute
for the module found via the class's `__module__` doesn't exist -- I'm sure
Jupyter can arrange for that to be the case). But I see how that would be a
problem (I can think of plenty of reasons why a class might not have any

That is a great idea, in addition getsource would have to filter out inherited methods (which should be doable, but indeed exclude classes). Would you prefer such a patch to inspect.getsource over the adding __filename__?

I do think that your proposal is reasonable, although I wonder what the
Jupyter developers think of it. (How closely are you connected to that

I am not affiliated with Jupyter at all and I imagine that I'd be prone to asking "would it be nice if inspect.getsource worked better?", which likely doesn't yield the most interesting answers.

We can chase the related reports:


The topic does seem to pop up now and then:


Best regards

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