On Wed., 24 Jun. 2020, 2:07 am Guido van Rossum, <gu...@python.org> wrote:

> I'm happy to present a new PEP for the python-dev community to review.
> This is joint work with Brandt Bucher, Tobias Kohn, Ivan Levkivskyi and
> Talin.

Very nice!

As with some others, the main thing that gives me pause is the elevation of
"_" to pseudo keyword status by making it the wildcard character for
pattern matching.

Users already find the existing common usages at least somewhat confusing
[1], so adding a 5th use case will definitely make that situation worse.

The first alternative I can see would be to adopt regex wildcard notation
for match patterns as well:

* exactly one arbitrary element: .
* any number of arbitrary elements: .*
* one or more arbitrary elements: .+
* zero or 1 arbitrary elements: .?

And then frame the ".name" reference syntax as another form of element
constraint (matching a value lookup rather than being completely arbitrary).

Alternatively, the file globbing notation, "?", could be used as a new
non-identifier symbol to indicate items that are present, but neither bound
nor constrained (exactly as "_" is currently used in the PEP).

This syntax would have the added bonus of potentially being added to
iterable unpacking, such that "a, b, *? = iterable" would mean "retrieve
the first two items without trying to retrieve more than that" (whereas the
existing throwaway variable convention still exhausts the RHS even when you
only care about the first few items).

That said, I don't think the extra confusion generated by using "_" would
be intolerable - I just think the possibility of using regex or globbing
inspired wildcard notations is worth considering, and unless I missed
something, the PEP doesn't currently cover any possible alternatives to
using "_".



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