On 06/23/2020 09:01 AM, PEP 622 wrote:

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    BLACK = 1
    RED = 2

RED = 2

match color:
    case .BLACK | Color.BLACK:
        print("Black suits every color")
    case BLACK:  # This will just assign a new value to BLACK.

As others have noted, the leading dot to disambiguate between a name assignment 
and a value check is going to be a problem.  I think it's also unnecessary 
because instead of

    case BLACK:

we can do

    case _:
        # look ma! BLACK is just "color"!
        BLACK = color  # if you really want it bound to another name

In other words, the PEP is currently building in two ways to do the same thing -- make a 
default case.  One of those ways is going to be a pain; the other, once renamed to 
"else", will be perfect!  :-)  As a bonus, no special casing for leading dots.

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