On 09/10/2020 15.48, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Oct 2020 05:04:55 +0300
> Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev <python-dev@python.org> wrote:
>> I don't see the point of requiring to "write an apology", especially *before 
>> a 12-month ban*. If they understand that their behavior is 
>> wrong, there's no need for a ban, at least not such a long one; if they 
>> don't, they clearly aren't going to write it, at least not now (they 
>> might later, after a few weeks or months, having cooled down and thought it 
>> over). So all it would achieve is public shaming AFAICS. Same 
>> issue with the threat of "zero tolerance policy" -- it's completely 
>> unnecessary and only serves to humiliate and alienate the recipient.
> That's my impression as well.  Also, we now have an unmaintained module
> (_decimal) requiring specific competence.

Please elaborate. I feel like you are insinuating something with your
"unmaintained module" remark.
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