On 30/10/2020 08.58, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> It would make life of Illumos and OpenIndiana developers much harder,
> that can be seen hostile to open source community. It would make the
> code of CPython more rigid, virtually Linux-only with Windows and MacOS
> patches, and as a side effect can make harder porting it to other
> platforms. This is not great.
> If you want to remove platform specific code from CPython source, do you
> consider the idea of removing support of MacOS and maintain it as
> "downstream patches"?

That's an unfair and polarizing comparison. You know as good as I that
macOS is a major platform which is actively used and maintained by
several core developers. I don't recall any core devs that maintain
Solaris port.

PEP-11 lists clear rules about platform support. As long as we don't
have a core developer for Solaris support and stable build bots, I'm all
in favor to remove the platforms.


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