Hi Tal,

Thanks for driving such research, it's really interesting. Sadly, I'm
not surprised by the results, since I'm already aware of these issues.

IMHO the most promising way to get more review is to create groups
where developers work on the same topic and review each other.

Also, mentoring is great! I advice core developers to delegate their
"boring tasks" to people willing to help. Many contributors are eager
to take these new responsibilities. Delegating shortly gives more time
to work on other topics where rare skills are needed.

> * Hard to find where to contribute

I believe that https://devguide.python.org/ could be enhanced to
better explain this part. Here are my notes on this question:

"Contribute to CPython: where should I start?"

> * Mentorship helps a lot, but is scarce

Over the last 2 years, I mentored different contributors, some of them
have been promoted as core developers, some of them moved to another
project, some of them continue to contribute as contributors.
Mentoring really accelerates the training to learn the most critical
things that a developer must know about the Python development
workflow, but also to build a trust relationship.

I'm trying to communicate about mentorship and my success stories, but
I chose to not communicate about people that I'm mentoring since it
would put too much pressure on them. It's perfectly fine if a mentee
doesn't become a core dev.

The difficult part is to stop doing simple tasks and delegate them.
It's difficult since mentoring does take more time in the short term,
reviews require a lot of back-and-forth exchanges to reach the
expected code quality. It's hard to foresee the benefit in the long

In the past, I complained a lot about failing buildbots, the
maintenance burden of the servers and analyzing every single failure.
Thanks to mentoring, Pablo decided to help and I'm now really happy to
distribute the workload with him!

For one year, I'm working on https://bugs.python.org/issue1635741
which is a giant project (issue open for 13 years, tons of sub-issues,
tons of commits). The idea is to modernize the code base of the 118 C
extension modules of the Python standard library: convert static types
to heap types, and convert extensions to the multi-phase
initialization API (PEP 489).

Required changes are complex and must be reviewed carefully. Also, a
part of this work is boring since it's always the same things (repeat
the same patterns). Dong-hee Na, Hai Shi, Mohamed Koubaa are
collaborating with me, and we made significant progress in one year.
When one of them writes a PR, I ask the others to review it.

Since we are a small task force working on the same topic for one
year, slowly everyone is able to spot the common mistakes. For
example, forget to DECREF the type in the dealloc function when a
static type becomes a heap type. I trust them and so it puts less
pressure on my shoulders when I have to merge a PR. I also spend less
time on reviewing, and no time on writing changes since others are
writing these changes!

IMO this collaboration is a success since the scope is limited, it's
possible to work on a single file per PR (or even write multiple PRs
per file). While changes are complex, once you understand what should
be done, it's mostly a simple task of replacing a pattern with another
(ok, it's a little bit more complex than that in practice ;-)).

Le sam. 17 oct. 2020 à 00:30, Tal Einat <talei...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> 1. Generate reminders for reviewers (...)

The root issue is the number of reviewers. Right now, it's mostly core
devs who review changes. I'm not sure that forcing core developers
will solve the root issue.

> 3. Advertise something like a "2-for-1" standing offer for reviews.

Right. That sounds like a better long term solution.

We need to encourage contributors to review pull requests written by
other contributors in similar areas.

As I wrote, when I read a review from a contributor, even if they are
a complete stranger to me, I'm more confident in reviewing a PR, since
I expect that the first review layers have been checked.

> 4. Encourage core devs to dedicate some of their time to working through 
> issues/PRs which are "ignored" or "stalled".

I ignore many areas of Python on purpose. I don't have skills in these
areas or simply no interest.

I have a different idea. What about organizing weeks of review where
we focus on a small set of topics. For example, organize an "IDLE"
week where we invite everybody to review IDLE issues, triage IDLE
bugs, or maybe write new PRs. To be efficient, we need core developers
involved in the loop to merge PRs, core devs expert in this topic.
Otherwise, we cannot reduce the number of open PRs.

I propose a whole week since reviews always need many back-and-forth.
Such week might be the opportunity for more information discussions on
a dedicated chat where people can ask any question, especially dumb

I'm a volunteer to help for such a week, but don't expect me to be
available more than 1h per day, and only from monday to friday (so 5
days, 1h per day). Another idea would be to open a video call where I
share my screen to share what I'm doing, but I'm not sure if it's
interesting :-)

Example of topics:

* Review bpo-1635741 PRs and write new PRs (need C skills)
* Investigate test_asyncio random failures on buildbots

Sometimes, such collaboration doesn't produce any "value" immediately,
but it always helps people to meet each other and feel less shy to ask
questions and reach out to other people.

What do you think?

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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