On 2021-01-12, Pablo Galindo Salgado wrote:
> One worry that I have in general with this move is the usage of
> _PyType_GetModuleByDef to get the type object from the module
> definition. This normally involves getting a TLS in every instance
> creation, which can impact notably performance for some
> perf-sensitive types or types that are created a lot.

I would say _PyType_GetModuleByDef is the problem.  Why do we need
to use such an ugly approach (walking the MRO) when Python defined
classes don't have the same performance issue?  E.g.

    class A:
        def b():

IMHO, we should be working to make types and functions defined in
extensions more like the pure Python versions.

Related, my "__namespace__" idea[1] might be helpful in reducing the
differences between pure Python modules and extension modules.
Rather than functions having a __globals__ property, which is a
dict, they would have a __namespace__, which is a module object.
Basically, functions and methods known which global namespace
(module) they have been defined in.  For extension modules, when you
call a function or method defined in the extension, it could be
passed the module instance, by using the __namespace__ property.

Maybe I'm missing some details on why this approach wouldn't work.
However, at a high level, I don't see why it shouldn't.  Maybe
performance would be an issue?  Reducing the number of branches in
code paths like CALL_FUNCTION should help.

1. https://github.com/nascheme/cpython/tree/frame_no_builtins
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