We have examined every possible permutation already, I think this would be
a distraction to pursue.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 04:20 Walter Dörwald <wal...@livinglogic.de> wrote:

> On 2 Feb 2021, at 12:36, Stefano Borini wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to request feedback by python-dev on the current
> implementation of PEP 637 - Support for indexing with keyword
> arguments.
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0637/
> The PEP is ready for SC submission and it has a prototype
> implementation ready, available here (note, not reviewed, but
> apparently fully functional)
> https://github.com/python/cpython/compare/master...stefanoborini:PEP-637-implementation-attempt-2
> (note: not sure if there's a preference for the link to be to the diff
> or to the branch, let me know if you prefer I change the PEP link)
> It seems to me, that what complicates the specification is the need for
> backwards compatibility. If that wasn't an issue, we could make indexing
> operations behave exactly like function calls. Handling the additional
> argument for __setitem__ could be done the same way that passing self in
> a method call is done: By passing an additional positional argument (in
> this case as the second argument after self), So:
>    - foo[1] is type(foo).__getitem__(foo, 1)
>    - foo[1, 2] is type(foo).__getitem__(foo, 1, 2)
>    - foo[(1, 2)] is type(foo).__getitem__(foo, (1, 2))
>    - foo[1] = 3 is type(foo).__setitem__(foo, 3, 1)
>    - foo[1, 2] = 3 is type(foo).__setitem__(foo, 3, 1, 2)
>    - foo[(1, 2)] = 3 is type(foo).__setitem__(foo, 3, (1, 2))
> But of course this isn't backwards compatible with respect to the
> treatment of tuple arguments and the argument order in __setitem__.
> However it is *much* easier to remember and to teach.
> The PEP rejects the idea to implement this approach via a new set of
> dunder methods (e.g. __getitem_ex__, __setitem_ex__ and __delitem_ex__)
> for performance reasons, but would it make sense, to mark existing
> __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__ methods as supporting the new
> calling convention via a decorator? i.e something like:
> class X:
>     @newstyle_item
>     def __getitem__(self, x, y, z=42):
>         ...
>     @newstyle_item
>     def __setitem__(self, value, x, y, z=42):
>         ...
>     @newstyle_item
>     def __detitem__(self, x, y, z=42):
>         ...
> This wouldn't require an additional dictionary lookup, but just a check of
> a bit in the function object.
> Thank you for your help.
> Servus,
> Walter
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