If it helps, I have tons of code that tests for iterators using:

    iter(obj) is obj

That has been a documented requirement for the iterator protocol 
forever. Its in the PEP.

"A class that wants to be an iterator should implement two methods: a 
next() method that behaves as described above, and an __iter__() method 
that returns self."


We have objects such that:


returns an iterator, but aren't themselves iterators. The most common 
example of that would be, I think, classes that define __iter__ as a 
generator method:

    class A:
        def __iter__(self):
            for x in range(10):
                yield x

Then we have actual iterators, like iter(A()). They define `__iter__` 
that returns self.

I don't know what I would call an object that only has __next__, 
apart from "broken" :-(

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