On Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 01:30, Chris Barker via Python-Dev
<python-dev@python.org> wrote:
> """
>  "[i]terators are required to have an __iter__() method" which neither `for` 
> nor `iter()` actually enforce.
> """
> I'm confused -- as far as I can tell `for` does enforce this -- well, it 
> doesn't enforce it, but it does require it, which is the same thing, yes? But 
> does it need to?

for enforces that *iterables* have an __iter__ method, not
*iterators*. (for takes an iterable, not an iterator, and uses
__iter__ to *get* an iterator from it).

The debate here is (I think!) whether an *iterator* that is not also
an *iterable* is a valid iterator.

IMO it is valid (because that's what the definitions say, basically)
but it may not be *useful* in certain circumstances, and it definitely
may not be *expected* (because nearly all iterators are iterables).
"Broken" is a strong word to use, though, and that might be why the
debate is continuing this long...

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