> On 18 Mar 2022, at 10:29, Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently __slots__ can be either string or an iterable of strings.
> 1. If it is a string, it is a name of a single slot. Third-party code which 
> iterates __slots__ will be confused.
> 2. If it is an iterable, it should emit names of slots. Note that 
> non-reiterable iterators are accepted too, but it causes weird bugs if 
> __slots__ is iterated more than once. For example it breaks default pickling 
> and copying.
> I propose to restrict the type of __slots__. Require it always been a tuple 
> of strings. Most __slots__ in real code are tuples. It is rarely we need only 
> single slot and set __slots__ as a string.
> It will break some code (there are 2 occurrences in the stdlib an 1 in 
> scripts), but that code can be easily fixed.

Pydoc supports __slots__ that is a dict, and will use the values in the dict 
als documentation for the slots.   I’ve also seen code using ``__slots__ =  
“field1 field2”.split()``. I don’t particularly like this code pattern, but 
your proposal would break this.

Also note that __slots__ only has a side effect during class definition, 
changing it afterwards is possible but has no effect (“class Foo: pass; 
Foo.__slots__ = 42”). This surprised my recently and I have no idea if this 
feature is ever used.


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