Anthony Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This came up before (back in October 2004!) but didn't go anywhere 
> since, AFAICR. Do we want to consider including pysqlite in Python 
> 2.5? It's the only DB adaptor that I'd really consider suitable for 
> shipping with the distribution, because it's self-contained.
> What's people's thoughts?

I can't help but be +1.  Though I have found various uses for the btree,
hash, and recno databases available via bsddb, having a built-in SQL
database would be quite convenient; saving people from having to install
any one of the dozen+ SQL variants for their platform in order to
prototype or even develop a full system using SQL.

While I haven't used pysqlite extensively, when I did, I found that it
worked quite well for what I was doing.

 - Josiah

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