Gerhard Häring wrote:

> I know that pushing new things into Python 2.5 should happen soon, if at
> all. So *if* pysqlite should go into Python, I propose that I release
> pysqlite 2.2.0 and we integrate that into the Python alpha release.

+1 !

> If this is going to happen, I want it to happen under a different
> package name than "pysqlite2" and it's probably a good idea to skip
> "sqlite" too, because there are still users of the SQLite 1.x API (*)
> and this is the package name of that API. OTOH, "sqlite" would be the
> natural name if it ends up in Python. Perhaps "sqlitedb" ...

db.sqlite3 ?

(it wraps version 3 of the sqlite engine, after all...)


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