Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Anthony Baxter wrote:
>>This came up before (back in October 2004!) but didn't go anywhere 
>>since, AFAICR. Do we want to consider including pysqlite in Python 
>>2.5? It's the only DB adaptor that I'd really consider suitable for 
>>shipping with the distribution, because it's self-contained.
>>What's people's thoughts?
> We shouldn't include anything without the explicit permission of the
> author(s); 

I'm the only author of the pysqlite 2 codebase, so no problem here.

> if possible, the authors should grant the PSF permission
> to change the license (i.e. fill out the contributor agreement).

That would be no problem either.

> Even better, the authors should be willing to keep the version in
> Python synchronized with the separate release.

In particular, I would then synchronize changes that have proven stable 
in the standalone release to the Python core sqlite module. I think this 
is how Barry does it with the email module, too.

-- Gerhard
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