On Friday 31 March 2006 02:04, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > Excellent point. Hm. Maybe we should just go with 'sqlite',
> > instead.
> Anything, but please no "db" or "database" top-level module or
> package :-)

How about "sql"? <wink>

I can't think of a better name right now - can anyone else, or should 
it just go in the top level as 'sqlite'?

> I take it that this is not going to go into 2.5a1 ?!

Well, right now the major missing bits for landing it right now are 
the windows build project and the documentation. I'm pretty 
comfortable with landing it for a1. It has tests, I've knitted these 
into the Python regression testing suite and they're all passing 
fine. I've tested building on systems with a version of sqlite that 
is acceptable, with no sqlite, and with an old version of sqlite, and 
the build process handles it all correctly. 

> Also your statement regarding sqlite3 suggests that sqlite
> itself is not included - why not ?

For the same reasons we don't include the BerkeleyDB library. Many, 
many modern operating systems now ship with libsqlite3 (just as they 
ship with bsddb).  While sqlite is nowhere near the size of 
BerkeleyDB, it's still a non-trivial amount of code. 


Anthony Baxter     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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