Neal Norwitz schrieb:
> By private, I mean internal only to python and don't need to prefix
> their identifiers with Py and are subject to change without backwards
> compatibility.  Include/graminit.h is one example of what I mean.
> Some others are:  bitset.h, grammar.h, opcode.h, metagrammar.h,
> errcode.h

Ah. This seems to be a requirement completely different from the
one I'm talking about. By this definition, object.h is *not* an
internal header file, yet I want it to be renamed.

As for this issue: how about moving all such private header files
out of Include entirely? The parser-related ones should go into
Parser, for example (grammar.h, bitset.h, graminit.h, metagrammar.h,
errcode.h). This would leave us with opcode.h only.

> Others are kinda questionable (they have some things that are
> definitely public, others I'm not so sure about):  code.h, parsetok.h,
> pyarena.h, longintrepr.h, osdefs.h, pgen.h, node.h

Thomas said that at least code.h must stay where it is.

What is the reason that you want them to be renamed?

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