Chris Mellon wrote:
> If anyone is curious, I ran pybench for both 2.6 and 3k build against
> VS 2003 and VS 2008. This is using the out of the box settings, and no
> PGO for 2008 (Express version doesn't have it). MSVC 9 was slightly
> faster for 2.6, but somewhat slower for py3k. I'm not sure how
> relevant that is, but (surprisingly to me) it's not an automatic speed
> win over MSVC 7.1. The results of my pybench runs available here:

I haven't enabled all optimization flags yet. We may get some speed ups
by enable more flags. I leave that to the optimization experts.

I'm glad that everybody is happy with the new PCbuild9 directory. Tcl/Tk
is the last obstacle. I'm not able to build the 64bit version with the
cross compiler of VS 2008 Standard Edition.


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