On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull
>  So we should add this to 2to3, no?  They're going to run that anyway.

If 2to3 can handle this, that removes the larger half of my objection.
I was under the impression that this kind of semantic inferencing was
beyond its capabilities. But even if so, maybe it's safe to assume
that those names aren't used in other contexts.

My remaining smaller half of the objection is that these aliases
appear to have been added to reduce the friction when moving from
another unit test system. Since the exact names are as much a matter
of muscle memory as anything else being changed by py3k, that's not
very important in this context.

I still don't see the benefit paying for the cost. Are people
genuinely confused by the plethora of names for the operations
(instead of by their occasional "misuse")? But I'm not the one
offering a patch here, so I'll pipe down now. :)
Michael Urman
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