> So the question is rather: Do you want to disk a community split, or
> add forwards compatibility?

I don't think the risk is big. As far as people start saying "I will
only support Python 3", or saying "I will not support Python 3" - that's

In the former case, people can still continue to use the old versions
of the software (assuming we are talking about open source here), and
continue to use those with 2.x. They won't get all the new features, and
perhaps that is a reason for them to move to 3.x.

In the latter case, people relying on the library either have to stay
with 2.x until all their dependencies get ported, or they will have
to contribute 3.x ports themselves to the developers.

In some cases, this may cause a fork of the project, but I guess these
cases are rare (and occur only if the maintainer is not cooperative in
at least incorporating patches even if its for stuff he doesn't care

So in short: no, the risk that the community splits is very small.

When people contribute code, it's not because of care about the
community, but because of their own needs. That's how open-source
software works.

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