On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:27 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nuxeo CPS worked like this, but we can ignore them as that project is
>  > all but dead will never move to Python 3 in any case. Zope/CMF/Plone
>  > works like this.
>  I don't understand. AFAICT, Zope *is* a library, i.e. you have to run
>  setup.py for lots of packages. Do you not have to run setup.py, for,
>  say, zope.interface, or zope.psycopgda?

No, Zope is not a library, it's an application. No, you typically do
not setup packages, although most (but not all) parts of Zope 3 is
setup if you run Zope in a buildout configuration. Zope 2 does not.

>  > The Plone collective works like this, and it is *not*
>  > reasonably well managed, so there software quite often doens't get
>  > released, but people run against trunk.
>  And that's fine. You still can integrate 2to3 with that transparently.

I can not see how that would work.

>  I still don't see why that is. In the examples you gave, no such
>  difficulties are apparent.

Maybe it's not apparent to people that hasn't developed in that kind
of environment, and I'm sorry I'm not able to make this clearer. But
that's just the way it is.

Lennart Regebro: Zope and Plone consulting.
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