Nick Coghlan schrieb:
> This is what I see as the goal of PEP 370 as well. Perhaps the PEP could
> be more explicit in spelling that out?
> """The primary goal of this PEP is to provide a standard mechanism
> allowing Python users to install distutils packages for their own use
> without affecting other users of the same machine, and without requiring
> any change to the packages themselves."""
> I think the current Rationale section kind of assumes that the reader
> already recognises the above paragraph as the reason for the PEP.

Good point ;)
The author of the PEP was kinda sure all readers would recognize the
ratio. Again explicit is better than implicit. I'll update the PEP later.

> In the UNIX Notes section, the PEP should probably also state that the
> reason for choosing a hidden dot-file directory is that users generally
> aren't going to have any interest in the source files for the Python
> packages that they install, and that users that would prefer for the
> files to be visible can easily make a symbolic link to the directory.

Good point, too.

Thanks Nick!

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