Skip> Maybe the presence of a functioning ctypes (can|might|should|will)
    Skip> become the operational definition of "Python runs on platform X".

    Michael> And what about platforms like the JVM or CLR?

Sorry, allow me to rephrase:

    Maybe the presence of a functioning ctypes (can|might|should|will)
    become the operational definition of "CPython runs on platform X".

    Michael> Incidentally there were a small but vocal group of Pythonistas
    Michael> who were (are?) certain that IronPython is not Python because
    Michael> it doesn't have [all of...] the C extensions.

>From my perspective IronPython isn't Python because it doesn't run on my
platforms (Solaris & Mac). ;-) (At least not easily enough for an old codger
like me to install.)

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