On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This thread has diverged a bit from the original topic.
> I suggest going ahead and adding pyprocessing to the library.
> IMO, its functionality is going to be an essential capability as
> more and more computers ship with multiple processors.
> At this point, the basic API for pyprocessing seems well thought-out and
> somewhat stable. Over time, I expect
> the implementation will get tweaked in a number of ways
> including support more platforms as developers figure-out
> that they like the idea enough to write some platform dependent patches.
> Putting this functionality in 2.6/3.0 would provide a really
> nice incentive to update from Py2.5.  It would be a sad
> lost opportunity if this module had to wait another couple years.

I feel essentially the same way: it WOULD be sad to waste this
excellent opportunity, so I second the suggestion to put pyprocessing
in the library right now.

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