Alright, I've uploaded the new patch which adds the two requested
bytes-oriented functions, as well as accompanying docs and tests.

I'd rather have two pairs of functions, so that those who want to give
> the readers of their code a clue can do so. I'm not opposed to having
> redundant functions that accept either string or bytes though, unless
> others prefer not to.

Yes, I was in a similar mindset. So the way I've implemented it, quote
accepts either a bytes or a str. Then there's a new function
quote_from_bytes, which is defined precisely like this:

quote_from_bytes = quote

So either name can be used on either input type, with the idea being that
you should use quote on a str, and quote_from_bytes on a bytes. Is this a
good idea or should it be rewritten so each function permits only one input

Sorry, I have yet to look at the tracker (only so many minutes in a day...).

Ah, I didn't mean offense. Just that one could read the sordid details of my
investigation on the tracker if one so desired ;)

I don't mind an encoding argument, as long as it isn't used to change
> the return type (as Bill was proposing).

Yeah, my unquote always outputs a str, and unquote_to_bytes always outputs a

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