On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Michele Simionato
> It is just a matter of how rare the use cases really are. Cooperative
> methods has been introduced 6+ years ago. In all this time surely
> they must have been used. How many compelling uses of cooperation
> we can find in real life code? For instance in the standard library or
> in some well known framework? This is a serious question I have been
> wanting to ask for years. I am sure people here can find some example,
> so just give me a pointer and we will see.

http://www.koders.com/default.aspx?s=super&btn=&la=Python&li=* finds
over 5,000 hits, but it would take substantial work to sift through
them (in particular because not all refer to the built-in super, as
you'll see even in the first page!) -- and a random hit I found by
going to p.7 is really bad...:

    """Mixin to enable reification."""
    def __init__(self):
        super(ReificationStore, self).__init__()

[there's *nothing else* in this __init__!].

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