Hi all,

a while back there was a discussion about new operators for the language, which
ended in people mentioning that the status of PEP 225 was still undecided and
that it was the most likely route to consider in this discussion.  I offered
to collect some feedback from the numerical and math/scientific computing
communities and report back here.

Here are the results, with some background and links (I'll also paste the
original reST file at the end for reference and archival):


I'll mention this thread on the numpy and sage lists in case anyone from the
original discussions would like to pitch in.  

I hope this feedback is useful for you guys to make a decision.  I should note
that I'm just acting as a scribe here, relaying feedback (though I do like the
PEP and think it would be very useful for numpy).  I would most certainly NOT
be available for implementing the PEP in Python itself...



### Original reST source for feedback doc kept at
### https://cirl.berkeley.edu/fperez/static/numpy-pep225/numpy-pep225.html

 Discussion regarding possible new operators in Python (PEP 225)

.. Author: Fernando Perez
.. Time-stamp: "2008-10-28 16:47:52 fperez"
.. Copyright: this document has been placed in the public domain.

.. contents::
    1  Introduction
    2  Background: matrix multiplication and Numpy
    3  Summary from the NumPy community
    4  Arguments neutral towards or against the PEP
    5  Other considerations and suggestions
      5.1  Operator form for logical_X functions
      5.2  Alternate comparisons
      5.3  Why just go one step?
      5.4  Alternate syntax
      5.5  Unicode operators
      5.6  D-language inspired syntax


In the Python-dev mailing lists, there were recently two threads regarding the
possibility of adding to the language a new set of operators.  This would
provide easy syntactic support for behavior such as element-wise and
matrix-like multiplication for numpy arrays.  The original python-dev threads
are here:

* http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-July/081508.html
* http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-July/081551.html

And the actual PEP that discusses this at length is PEP 225:

* http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0225/

In order to provide feedback from the scientific/numerical community, a
discussion was held on the numpy mailing list.  This document is a brief
summary of this discussion, in addition to some issues that were brought up
during a BOF session that was held during the SciPy'08 conference.  The point
of this document is to provide the Python development team (and ultimately
Guido) with feedback from a community that would be likely an important target
of the features discussed in PEP 225, hoping that a final decision can be made
on the PEP, either as-is or with modifications arising from this feedback.

This document contains a summary of an original discussion whose thread in the
numpy list can be found here:

* http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2008-August/036769.html
* http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2008-August/036858.html

and it has been further updated with a final round of vetting.  The final
thread which this document summarizes is here:

* http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2008-October/038234.html

Background: matrix multiplication and Numpy

It is probably useful, for the sake of the Python dev team, to provide a bit of
background regarding the array/matrix situation in `Numpy
<http://numpy.scipy.org>`_, which is at the heart of much of this.  The numpy
library provides, in addition to the basic arrays that support element-wise

    In [1]: from numpy import array, matrix

    In [2]: a = array([[1,2],[3,4]])

    In [3]: b = array([[10,20],[30,40]])

    In [4]: a*b
    array([[ 10,  40],
           [ 90, 160]])

also an object called ``matrix`` that implements classic matrix multiplication
semantics for the ``*`` operator::
    In [5]: aM = matrix(a)

    In [6]: bM = matrix(b)

    In [7]: aM*bM
    matrix([[ 70, 100],
            [150, 220]])

The existence of two almost-but-not-quite identical objects at the core of
numpy has been the source of a large amount of discussion and effort to provide
smoother integration.  Yet, despite much work it is the opinion of many that
the situation will always remain unsatisfactory, as many pitfalls continue to
exist.  It is very easy to pass a matrix to some routine that does numerical
manipulations on its inputs and forgets to verify that a matrix was received,
and to end up with an array instead afterwards.  While much work has gone into
making the core numpy and scipy libraries 'matrix-proof', arbitrary third party
code may or may not be matrix aware, and thus this problem is likely to remain
an open issue.

Many more details on this can be read here:

* http://www.scipy.org/MatrixIndexing
* http://scipy.org/NewMatrixSpec

Multiplication is perhaps the main need for matrices, and the proposed PEP
could provide a viable solution for this problem.  Exponentiation is also
useful and covered by the PEP, and the ``~/`` division could perhaps be an
acceptable way of implementing matlab's `slash operator`_.

.. _slash operator:

Summary from the NumPy community

Overall the response to PEP 225 ranges from positive to very positive.  There
was particular interest in the benefits of having both `PEP 225`_ and `PEP
335`_, since together these could address the key language-based issues
encountered by numpy.

.. _PEP 225: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0225
.. _PEP 335: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0335

Participants expressed that it would solve real-world, practical problems for
them and enable them to use Python more effectively in teaching and research
involving numerical work, in particular (but not limited to) topics involving
linear algebra.

As Python's importance in scientific computing grows, both as an educational
and a research tool, it becomes more critical that it can be used as a
'drop-in' replacement to existing systems.  PEP 225 would lower the notational
barrier to using Python for tasks where languages like Matlab(TM) and IDL(TM)
are typically the default choice.  Expressing common algorithms, especially in
the domain of linear algebra, would be easier and more readable if numpy could
provide operator-level support for matrix operations without introducing new
top-level objects.

As an example of the relevance of this, we note a new NSF-funded project for
developing scientific computing curricular materials called Secant_.  This is
just one example amongst many of how Python is growing as the open tool of
choice for new scientific computing efforts.

.. _Secant: http://secant.cs.purdue.edu

Arguments neutral towards or against the PEP

While the response was overall positive, there were a few differing opinions,
listed here.

* Some expressed a neutral position: they felt there was really no overwhelming
  need for this and that people could get by with the tools offered today by

* Some contributors feel that the real problem for numpy is *one* operator,
  multiplication.  Thus, some feel that only one should be added (reducing the
  reach of PEP 225), others that this simply isn't enough to justify the PEP's
* Some felt that perhaps the time is not right for this, and that one should
  wait instead a few years for Unicode support to become more pervasive, and
  implement this idea via Unicode instead (see below).

* [ *Note by Robert Kern* ]. I really only care about having just *one*
  extra operator, one that I can (ab)use for matrix multiplication. It's the
  only operation that is common enough and with one obvious implementation (I'm
  looking at you, Matlab's "``\``") to warrant it, IMO. Doubling the number of
  operators and special methods is not a price that I'm willing to pay to get
  it, though.

* [ *Note by David Warde-Farley* ]. Even though Robert and others (myself
  included) really only care about an operator to facilitate matrix
  multiplication, I think most of us would support the ``~*=`` (mentioned in
  the PEP) as a natural companion to ``~*``.

  Am I right about this? I realize it can't buy you the same in-place semantics
  as ``+-=`` and friends currently enjoy with numpy arrays, but I think most
  folks would just *expect* it to work, i.e. if ``foo`` is 3x4 and ``bar`` is
  4x1 (or maybe a length 4 rank 1 array) then::

       foo ~*= bar

  results in foo now pointing to an array that (however you choose to handle
  rank) contains exactly 3 elements.
Other considerations and suggestions

Here we list some additional considerations that were presented.

Operator form for logical_X functions

Since the meaning of the logical, short-circuiting operators ``and`` and ``or``
in Python can't be redefined (they are keywords of the language), Numpy
implements its own versions as functions: ``logical_and`` and ``logical_or``
(as well as ``not`` and ``xor`` versions).  It would be good to extend the PEP
to cover type-defined implementations of logical operators.  Today, numpy
users often abuses the ``&`` and ``|`` operators for logical operations, but
the behavior of these isn't exactly that of Python logical operators::

    In [35]: a
    Out[35]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

    In [36]: b
    Out[36]: array([False,  True, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)

    In [37]: a & b
    Out[37]: array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])

    In [38]: [x and y for x,y in zip(a,b)]
    Out[38]: [0, True, False, True, False]

    In [39]: a | b
    Out[39]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

    In [40]: [x or y for x,y in zip(a,b)]
    Out[40]: [False, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Note however, that this problem could perhaps be better dealt with if `PEP
335`_ were accepted.  That PEP is currently in draft mode, but it would address
the issues raised above for numpy, allowing `PEP 225`_ to keep its current

.. _PEP 225: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0225
.. _PEP 335: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0335

Alternate comparisons

It could be useful to extend the original PEP not only to cover the basic
arithmetic operators, but also comparisons.  Having for a given object
alternate comparison mechanisms would allow one to declare, for example,
special orderings in fields for objects which can be ordered in different ways
depending on the structure in which they are considered to live.

[XXX - more justification for the field ordering example? This was suggested at
scipy, but I don't recall all the details]

Why just go one step?

Instead, it would be nicer to have user-definable multiplication operators such
that for example::

  a ~1* b
  a ~2* b

etc... are all valid.  The user could thus define as many ~N* operators as
desired, for arbitrary integer values of N.  The proponents of this idea argue
that this provides a general solution to the problem of user-definable
operators for complex objects while maintaining the spirit of the PEP.  There's
the concern that if one new family of operators is allowed, we'll want more in
the future and it is thus worthwhile solving the general problem once and for
all.  The R language is cited as a precedent with a similar syntax, where
``%op%`` allows for arbitrary operators to be declared.

Alternate syntax

The only other syntax to receive much support was to use ``!`` instead of ``~``
as the special character.

Unicode operators

A number of proposals were made to consider Unicode operators instead of ascii
2-character combinations.  While this was favored by one group, it was also
strongly opposed by another who feared difficulty of editing with standard
tools, font problems and readability problems.  Several people had problems
displaying the provided examples in their browsers.

D-language inspired syntax

One contributor suggested a syntax taken from the D language::

    # create array of doubles
    a = ...
    # add 42 to all elements
    a[] += 42.
    # apply a function
    b = sin(a[])
    # or this?
    b = sin[](a)

    c = a[] + b[]

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