On 2009-01-29 01:59, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> I think there is definitely something to the notion that the 3.x
> vs. 3.0.y distinction should signal something, and I personally like
> MAL's suggestion that 3.0.x should be marked some sort of beta in
> perpetuity, or at least until 3.1 is ready to ship as stable and
> production-ready.  (That's AIUI, MAL's intent may be somewhat
> different.)

That's basically it, yes.

I don't think that marking 3.0 as experimental is bad in any way,
as long as we're clear about it.

Having lots of incompatible changes in a patch level release will
start to get users worrying about the stability of the 3.x branch
anyway, so a heads-up message and clear perspective for the 3.1
release is a lot better than dumping 3.0 altogether or not
providing such a perspective at all.

That said, we should stick to the statement already made for
3.0 (too early as it now appears), ie. that the same development and
releases processes will apply to the 3.x branch as we have for 2.x -
starting with 3.1.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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