antoine> You'd better make __builtins__ read-only, it will
  antoine> plug a whole class of attacks like this.

I tried to put this off as long as I could to try and unearth
interesting attacks.

But unfortunately I couldn't figure out a way to fix the warnings
approach used by Daniel without doing this -- so from v7 __builtins__
isn't shared any more.

The good thing is that we won't have more of the __builtins__ class of
attacks -- the flip side is that we might be closing the door on
discovering some really interesting gems...

  andrew> I can look up the stack frames and get
  andrew> "open_file", which I can then use for whatever I want.

Ehm, thanks for taking the time to implement that Andrew.

But the challenge was about doing `from safelite import FileReader`.

I specifically stated that form over the openly exploitable `import
safelite`... so, sorry =(

You have to remember that this isn't the way that this code will
actually be used in practise. This is just a challenge to see if the
model holds...

love, tav

plex:espians/tav | | +44 (0) 7809 569 369 | | skype:tavespian
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