I'd like to bring up the general idea of using a PSF slot in GSoC2009
to improve the Python development infrastructure. I also happen to
have two concrete proposals for that (such a coincidence!). But I
assure you the general idea is more important than my proposals :)

Solving issues that get in core devs' way when they work on Python
development could be a nice PSF GSoC project.

I believe there are enough code related tasks that would greatly
improve Python development workflow but lack manpower to complete.
E.g., ISTM that a student working on svnmerge in past SoC editions
would've been able to mitigate some painful shortcomings. If the core
developers could come up with a list of peeves that would be solvable
in code (in existing tools), that would allow for a very useful GSoC

These might fit the description above, and they're both tracker
related (yep, one-trick-pony here). The upside is that at least one
potential mentor is available for each, and I'd be able to offer
support to the student.

First, the PSF could invest a slot on integrating different tools of
the development workflow. Variations of 'file issue at bug tracker,
submit code for review' or 'branch locally to virtualenv, upload
failing testcase to tracker, upload patch to tracker' command line
utils. If these could be developed as general tools (i.e., not deeply
tied to Python dev infrastructure), Ali Afshar from PIDA is willing to
mentor it. I'd be available to help with Roundup and Rietveld
(integration in progress), but would like to see it work with
Launchpad, Bugzilla, Google Code and Review Board :)

The other proposal is to use a slot in Roundup proper and the Python
tracker instance. This could have a core Roundup developer as mentor,
under the condition it's focused on Roundup itself. IMO, are some
missing/broken core features in Roundup that would have a positive
impact on our tracker, mostly those relating to searches, security and
UI. I'd have a lot to contribute to the Python tracker part, based on
ongoing work.

Even if neither is considered worthy, I'll keep them on my to-do list
and hope to slowly and hackishly work towards both proposals' goals.
Barring feedback saying that they're out of scope, stupid and
downright offensive, I'll post details on each to this thread very

So, if the PSF was to use a slot on improving the way you work on
Python development, what would you like to see fixed or implemented?

Best regards,
Python-Dev mailing list

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