Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Everything I've seen from Daniel so far seems to be about either making
> things we already do more efficient, or else providing additional
> features in ways that don't make the tools any more confusing for others
> already used to a particular way of doing things. So he seems to be
> navigating this particular minefield pretty well so far.

Thanks a lot Nick! :)

BTW, it seems there's a procedure to follow if my navigation fails[1].

> Then again, I may be a little biased - some of the recent bug tracker
> changes are things I had wished for in the past, but never chipped in
> any code to help make them happen :)

Not a problem, sir, we accept RFEs devoid of any code bits in this store :)


George: If we do happen to step on a mine, Sir, what do we do?

Capt. Blackadder: Normal procedure, Lieutenant, is to jump two hundred
feet in the air and scatter oneself over a wide area.
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