At 07:41 PM 5/1/2009 +0200, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>> It's unclear, however, who is using base packages besides mx.* and
>> ll.*, although I'd guess from the PyPI listings that perhaps Django
>> is.  (It seems that "base" packages are more likely to use a
>> 'base-extension' naming pattern, vs. the 'namespace.project' pattern
>> used by "pure" packages.)
> I'll stress it again in case you missed it the first time: I think the
> main reason people use "pure namespace" versus "base namespace" packages
> is because hardly anyone know how to do the latter, not because there is
> no desire to do so!
> I, for one, have been trying to figure out how to do "base namespace"
> packages for years...

You mean, without PEP 382?

That won't be possible, unless you can coordinate all addon packages.
Base packages are a feature solely of PEP 382.

Actually, if you are using only the distutils, you can do this by listing only modules in the addon projects; this is how the ll.* tools are doing it. That only works if the packages are all being installed in the same directory, though, not as eggs.

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