On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 07:45:20PM +0100, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> This may be a bit out of context - however, a simple cat program should
> open files in binary, and be done.
> (not sure whether the average naive programmer is able to grasp the
> notion of binary IO and to oppose to text IO, and whether he then would
> be able to conclude that cat(1) is really about binary IO).

   Depends on the kind of cat and especially on the ways of using it. If
you ask cat to number lines (see manual for GNU cat) - what do "lines" mean
for binary IO?

     Oleg Broytman            http://phd.pp.ru/            p...@phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
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