On 26/01/2010 00:12, Christian Heimes wrote:
Benjamin Peterson wrote:
Yes, but in either of these cases is there an excellent performance
improvement to be gained and is it worth the complexity of your
optimization? I think not.
Me, too.
I already tried to explain Steve that I have used list.pop(0) in very
few cases during my seven years as a professional Python developer.
Since I knew that popping from the beginning of a list is slower than
popping from the end or just leaving the list unmodified I found ways to
alter my algorithms. The few cases left were either not performance
critical or used dequeue instead.

I vote -0.5 on the change unless Guido, Tim or Raymond think that the
size and complication impact is worth the hassle.

How great is the complication? Making list.pop(0) efficient sounds like a worthy goal, particularly given that the reason you don't use it is because you *know* it is inefficient (so the fact that you don't use it isn't evidence that it isn't wanted - merely evidence that you had to work around the known inefficiency).


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