On approximately 1/26/2010 7:50 PM, came the following characters from the keyboard of Cameron Simpson:
My point was that I look on python builtins like list and dict as highly
optimised, highly efficient facilities. That means that I expect a "list"
to be very very much like a linear array as one would find in C-like
languages, with realloc() managment behind the scenes to handle the
resizing requirements on append/extend.

As a newcomer to python, I must say that I wouldn't expect a list to be like an array. I'd expect it more to be like a list... many implementations of lists (linked lists, in particular) make it O(1) to add to the front or back. An array can be used to represent a list, but there are known inefficiencies that result when doing so, one of which the Subject patch is working to address. I guess I would have expected something called an array to be more like an array, rather than something called a list. But one has to read the documentation to find out what things really mean, in a new environment.

Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/
A protocol is complete when there is nothing left to remove.
-- Stuart Cheshire, Apple Computer, regarding Zero Configuration Networking

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