--- On Fri, 1/29/10, Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org> wrote:

>  > Lisp lists are really stacks
> No, they're really (ie, concretely) singly-linked
> lists.  
> Now, stacks are an abstract data type, and singly-linked
> lists provide
> an efficient implementation of stacks.  But that's not
> what linked
> lists "really are".  For example, singly-linked lists
> are also a
> reasonable way to implement inverted trees (ie, the node
> knows its
> parent, but not its children), which is surely not a
> stack.

I like your distinction between abstract data types and concrete 
>From a mutability perspective, the concrete implementation of Python lists 
>shares a performance characteristic with most concrete implementations of 
>stacks, in that inserts/pops at the top are cheap.

Unlike most stacks, Python lists do at least semantically allow queue-like 
behavior for removing elements from the bottom, but I don't think it's unfair 
of me to say that removes from the bottom are discouraged under the current 
implementation.  (I can cite the tutorial, for example).  So, to the extent 
that removes from the bottom are frowned upon, Python again has the same 
mutability characteristics as a stack.

The abstract data type "stack" does not allow for random access of elements 
AFAIK, so Python lists are definitely more than a stack, especially since 
random accesses are not only possible, they are quite efficient.

So I guess they are an array.

I don't know whether or not "arrays" are considered to be an abstract data type 
or not, but my de facto concept of an array is something that supports fast 
random access, cheap mutation at the top, and no guarantees at the bottom.  I 
am guessing that from a big-O perspective, Python lists have the exact same 
performance characteristics as the data structures that Perl, Ruby, and 
Javascript all call "array."  Also, Python lists are built on top of a C array, 
and while it would be a bit of an overstatement to say that lists are just a 
nicely sugared encapsulation of C arrays, I think it would be a fair statement 
to say that Python lists only give O(1) performance for the same operations as 
the underlying C array; all the other operations are there just for convenience 
where performance is not a driving concern.

Also, we can go back to the example of LISP, the one language that I know of 
that shares the term "list."  Whatever a "list" denotes from an abstract 
perspective, Python and LISP do not agree upon the definition.  Python lists 
are more like right-side-up stacks with fast random access, while LISP lists 
are more like an upside-down stack without iteration.

> The Python use of "list" to denote what is concretely a
> dynamically
> extensible one-dimensional array confused me a bit. 
> But what the
> heck, Guido needed a four-letter word to denote a concrete
> type used
> to implement a mutable sequence ADT, and he wasn't going to
> borrow one
> from that French guy on the ramparts, right?  No big
> deal.  Ahem...

Probably the same reason he didn't call dictionaries "hashes", right? :)

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