On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:25 PM, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I planned to publish this proposal when it is finally ready and tested
> with an assumption that Subversion repository will be online and
> up-to-date after Mercurial migration. But recent threads showed that
> currently there is no tested mechanism to sync Subversion repository
> back with Mercurial, so it will probably quickly outdate, and the
> proposal won't have a chance to be evaluated. So now is better than
> never.
> So, this is a way to split modules from monolithic Subversion
> repository into several Mercurial mirrors - one mirror for each module
> (or whatever directory structure you like). This will allow to
> concentrate your work on only one module at a time ("distutils",
> "CGIHTTPServer" etc.) without caring much about anything else.
> Exceptionally useful for occasional external "contributors" like me,
> and folks on Windows, who don't possess Visual Studio to compile
> Python and are forced to use whatever version they have installed to
> create and test patches.
> Here is a picture if you feel bored -
> https://docs.google.com/drawings/edit?id=1c9FDQ27BnaIew_1T7Tr-rFg1OCdPVS9w3TQREOkzyjk&hl=en
> An example of the split distutils module -
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/distutils
> The split is not perfect, but the process can be polished - it is the
> first version I managed to get only this morning. More important is
> that HG repository is incrementally synchronized. The split is not
> perfect, because in particular I see that documentation dir is not
> sucked in. But it is a working proof on concept you can test yourself
> using the code from:
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/python-split
> You will also need patched version of `hgsvn` from
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/hgsvn
> How does it work
> -------------------------
> The module is described as a series of paths inside typical Subversion 
> checkout.
> On the first run `refresh.py` script from `python-split` creates
> shallow SVN checkout with only required files using
> distutils.module.def module definition
> Second run of `refresh.py` imports shallow checkout into Mercurial
> And the third run imports the rest of the history pulling only
> changesets relevant to given paths.
> Workflow
> -------------
> Diagram showed patches that are pulled from local clones of split
> repositories to master Mercurial mirror, but it won't work this way,
> because hashes of revisions in direct mirror wont't match hashes in
> split repositories - that's why some hash lookup/sync procedure is
> needed to correctly process incoming patches. This workflow works with
> hash sync only when changes are pushed back to central Subversion
> repository from local clones (possibly through another intermediate
> normalizing repository). Changes pushed this way are streamlined and
> could be downloaded into stable branch of other mirrors as a single
> line of development. I borrowed streamlining concept from Go
> contribution guide as it really helps to review chaotic Mercurial
> commits. http://golang.org/doc/contribute.html#Code_review
> Maintaining centralized Subversion repository will require additional
> properties to be set, but this is doable. I don't how to make module
> split with Mercurial alone.
> http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ShallowClone is still a draft (and
> complicated one) and Mercurial 1.6 that released today doesn't contain
> anything revolutionary to propose an alternative.
> I am exhausted.

fwiw - there is a/are plan(s) to break out the stdlib from "core" once
the transition is complete, to better allow re-use between the various
interpreters. I do not think that "lots of small mirrors/repos" for
each library is a net gain. Once the stdlib is broken out; the same
thing you have proposed is achievable (within reason) without a
proliferation of mirrors/repos/etc.

Also, we're not staying on subversion - well, as far I know.

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