On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:25, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I planned to publish this proposal when it is finally ready and tested
> with an assumption that Subversion repository will be online and
> up-to-date after Mercurial migration. But recent threads showed that
> currently there is no tested mechanism to sync Subversion repository
> back with Mercurial, so it will probably quickly outdate, and the
> proposal won't have a chance to be evaluated. So now is better than
> never.
> So, this is a way to split modules from monolithic Subversion
> repository into several Mercurial mirrors - one mirror for each module
> (or whatever directory structure you like). This will allow to
> concentrate your work on only one module at a time ("distutils",
> "CGIHTTPServer" etc.) without caring much about anything else.
> Exceptionally useful for occasional external "contributors" like me,
> and folks on Windows, who don't possess Visual Studio to compile
> Python and are forced to use whatever version they have installed to
> create and test patches.

But modules do not live in an isolated world; they are dependent on
changes made to other modules. Isolating them from other modules whose
semantics change during development will lead to skew and improper

As for Windows users who don't have Visual Studio, there is a free
version that compiles Python fine: http://www.python.org/dev/faq/#id8


> Here is a picture if you feel bored -
> https://docs.google.com/drawings/edit?id=1c9FDQ27BnaIew_1T7Tr-rFg1OCdPVS9w3TQREOkzyjk&hl=en
> An example of the split distutils module -
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/distutils
> The split is not perfect, but the process can be polished - it is the
> first version I managed to get only this morning. More important is
> that HG repository is incrementally synchronized. The split is not
> perfect, because in particular I see that documentation dir is not
> sucked in. But it is a working proof on concept you can test yourself
> using the code from:
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/python-split
> You will also need patched version of `hgsvn` from
> http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/hgsvn
> How does it work
> -------------------------
> The module is described as a series of paths inside typical Subversion 
> checkout.
> On the first run `refresh.py` script from `python-split` creates
> shallow SVN checkout with only required files using
> distutils.module.def module definition
> Second run of `refresh.py` imports shallow checkout into Mercurial
> And the third run imports the rest of the history pulling only
> changesets relevant to given paths.
> Workflow
> -------------
> Diagram showed patches that are pulled from local clones of split
> repositories to master Mercurial mirror, but it won't work this way,
> because hashes of revisions in direct mirror wont't match hashes in
> split repositories - that's why some hash lookup/sync procedure is
> needed to correctly process incoming patches. This workflow works with
> hash sync only when changes are pushed back to central Subversion
> repository from local clones (possibly through another intermediate
> normalizing repository). Changes pushed this way are streamlined and
> could be downloaded into stable branch of other mirrors as a single
> line of development. I borrowed streamlining concept from Go
> contribution guide as it really helps to review chaotic Mercurial
> commits. http://golang.org/doc/contribute.html#Code_review
> Maintaining centralized Subversion repository will require additional
> properties to be set, but this is doable. I don't how to make module
> split with Mercurial alone.
> http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ShallowClone is still a draft (and
> complicated one) and Mercurial 1.6 that released today doesn't contain
> anything revolutionary to propose an alternative.
> I am exhausted.
> --
> anatoly t.
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