On 12/07/2010 2.56, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
As for assigning bugs, I've been told to use the maintainer.rst list, so
either the list is wrong, or I've had finger problems.  If it's the
latter I again say sorry.

I see. What copy have you been using specifically? I think I need to
remove myself from these lists.

Indeed it's not clear if the names that appear in the maintainers.rst list are supposed to be added only to the nosy list or if it's possible to add them to the "assigned to" field too. A way to avoid confusion is to mark the names that should be added to the "Assigned to" field with a '*', and add the others to the nosy list only.

    unicodedata         loewis, lemburg, ezio.melotti*
would mean "You can add loewis and lemburg to the nosy list and assign the issue to ezio.melotti".

Otherwise we can just decide that those names should just be added to the nosy list and let them assign the issue to themselves if they want to fix it.

Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti

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