On 02/08/2010 22:18, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
2010/8/2 Terry Reedy<tjre...@udel.edu>:
On 8/2/2010 12:54 PM, Brian Curtin wrote:

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:39, Ralf Schmitt<r...@brainbot.com
<mailto:r...@brainbot.com>>  wrote:

    Benjamin Peterson<benja...@python.org<mailto:benja...@python.org>>

     >  Please, let's stop messing with the tracker for everything. I think
     >  the current set up works reasonably well, and we should focus on the
     >  real problem: manpower

Two months ago, I discovered and reported that about 1/5 of open issues had
no responses. Is that 'reasonably well'?

I'm only referring to the infrastructure when I say "the current
setup." I don't think repeatedly tweaking the tracker is likely to
close more issues.

I find this response quite pathetic. The bulk of Terry's post has been snipped. My own earlier response has been ignored. Please Benjamin get out of your ivory tower, there are people such as myself who want to help, but we feel locked out.

Yes I am aware that I've more than trodden on a few toes as part of my learning curve, but all in all in I'm very proud of the fact that in my brief tenure I've helped the Python community. The number of responses that I've had stating "Thanks I've forgotten that one" far out number the negative ones. Actually I've never had any negative ones. I guess that some of you are not as bold as I pretend to be. Honestly by nature I'm very quiet and shy so when I start talking like this I'm being very serious and it's taken me years to get there.

Further, issues don't have to be closed, but what has to happen is that any issue that get raised *MUST* have a response. This doesn't mean someone bumping the Python versions up five years after the issue was raised.

Fly back at me if you like. I don't care about me. I don't care about you. I do care about Python.

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

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