On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16 September 2010 07:16, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
>>> I'm not working to get Django running on Python 3.1 because I don't
>>> feel confident I'll be able to put any apps I write into production.
>> Why not? Since the I/O speed problem is fixed, I have no idea what you are
>> referring to.  Please do be concrete.
> At the risk of putting words into Jacob's mouth, I understood him to
> mean that "production quality" WSGI servers either do not exist, or do
> not implement a consistently defined spec (i.e., everyone is doing
> their own thing to adapt WSGI to Python 3).

Yup, exactly.

Deploying web apps under Python 2 right now is actually pretty
awesome. There's a clear leader in mod_wsgi that's fast, stable, easy
to use, and under active development. There's a few great lightweight
pure-Python servers, some new-hotness (Gunicorn) and some
tried-and-true (CherryPy). There's a fast-as-hell bleeding-edge option
(nginx + uwsgi). And those are just the ones I've successfully put
into production -- there're still *more* options if one of those won't
cut it.

The key here is that switching between all of these deployment
situations is *incredibly* easy. Actually, this very afternoon I'm
planning to experiment with a switch from mod_wsgi to gunicon. I'm
confident enough with the inter-op that I'm going to make the switch
on a production web server, monitor it for a bit, then switch back.

I've budgeted an hour for this, and I'll probably end up spending half
that time playing Minecraft while I gather statistics.

Python 3 offers me none of this. I don't have a wide variety of tools
to choose from. Worse, I don't even have a guarantee of
interoperability between the tools that *do* exist.


I'm sorry if I'm coming across as a complainer here. It's a
frustrating situation for me: I want to start using Python 3, but
until there's a working web stack waiting for me I just can't justify
the time. And unfortunately I'm just not familiar enough with the
problem(s) to have any real shot at working towards a solution, and
I'm *certainly* not enough of an expert to work on a PEP or spec. So
all I can really do is agitate.

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